parent burnout

Working Parent Burnout

The power of positive parenting: Evidence to help parents and their children thrive

Two years ago, you told us how working parental burnout impacted you and your family during a pandemic. Two years later, the pandemic is over, but the pressures and impact remain. We are still in a readjustment period, working to figure out the “new normal” for our families. But in the process, many parents – including us – don’t give themselves the grace they need to be able to thrive. Because of that, the stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic have been replaced by new and different triggers. We are searching for survival mechanisms not because of a virus, but because of a distinction that we all chase at one point or another: We all want to be the “perfect parent.” And there is no such thing.

When we decided to design a second study about parental burnout, we decided to focus on those postpandemic triggers that so many feel: expectations, perceived judgment, children’s playtime and activities, relationships with spouses and other adults and mental health situations. All of these stressors impact how we act and react as well as affect our mood from day to day etc. They impact how we see ourselves in the mirror and how we portray ourselves to the world, either in-person or on social media. The findings of our new survey are described within the pages of this report. We also continue to offer our proprietary, easy-to-use burnout scale that helps you measure your burnout at a moment in time and find potential solutions to help you feel emotionally better and engage more effectively with your children.

Again, while our survey captures a moment in time, we also see similarities in how we felt two years ago during the shared human experience of a pandemic. So many parents feel like they are on an island with their burnout, stress and challenges. Loneliness and isolation are real and potentially debilitating feelings. Please know that you are not alone. We’re all trying to figure out exactly what life looks like after COVID-19, trying to anticipate new obstacles down the road while wrestling with the obstacles right in front of our feet. Connection with others – especially other parents who can empathize with your particular situation – is so powerful, and taking time for self-care is critical. We offer you helpful solutions and strategies to foster that connection with others and that downtime for yourself to help you and your family build the support system you need to get out of survival mode and truly thrive. We are rooting for you, every step of the way.

Here are five evidence-based strategies that can help you
