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March 2025 BWI Spotlight

College of Nursing

Congratulations to the College of Nursing Buckeye Wellness Innovators (CON BWIs) for being the spotlight this month! The CON BWIs create many opportunities to hit on all dimensions of wellness. They have provided coffee corners, organized daily walks during lunch, held a healthy potluck and utilized the incredible mental health services that provide mental health and wellbeing sessions. The CON BWIs strive to promote wellness from many different avenues to benefit everyone and interested in teaching, growing and walking with each other on a wellness journey.


Read more about their efforts in this month's spotlight

Why did you join the Buckeye Wellness Innovator program?


For the BWI group, wellness has always been an important part of everyone’s way of life.  We are interested in growing within wellness and helping others to achieve the best wellness state they can.

Why is being a Buckeye Wellness Innovator important to you?


It is important to maintain a healthy wellbeing for ourselves individually, as well as helping others do the same.  We are interested in teaching, growing, and walking with each other on a wellness journey.

Share a few ways you are embracing the 10 dimensions of wellness and providing opportunities for faculty/staff to engage in activities


The CON BWIs tries to create many opportunities to hit on all dimensions of wellness. We try to provide a diverse range of opportunities for all staff and faculty to encourage and while we promote individual and career wellness.  We enjoy providing coffee corners to promote camaraderie and social wellness.  We have faculty who regularly organize daily walks during lunch to promote physical wellness.  We have had a healthy potluck to engage in social opportunities and nutrition.  We have incredible mental health services that provide mental health and well-being sessions to promote emotional wellness.

Curricula throughout the CON makes efforts to promote wellness from within the classroom to promote intellectual wellness.  The CON BWIs strive to promote wellness from many different avenues to benefit everyone.

With so many competing priorities while at work, it can be difficult to find time to plan wellness activities for faculty/staff. How do you find time to prioritize wellness and come up with new or innovative ideas for wellness activities?


We prioritize wellness and see it as foundational.  We try to rotate days and times of wellness activities to capture as many faculty and staff that we can.  We are mindful of varying schedules and demands and are purposeful with our planning schedule to avoid particularly heavier times of the semester so we can capture the best participation we can.

How have you overcome barriers to engaging colleagues in your wellness efforts during the workday?


The CON wellness initiatives have evolved and strengthened over the course of time.  The CON has Leadership support advocating for individual wellness during faculty meetings and throughout individual work groups that encourage wellness throughout the college.

Has your leadership embraced wellness and/or your role as a BWI?


Yes, leadership has embraced wellness and has an active BWI group at the CON.  Dean Karen Rose reaffirmed the former Dean’s health and wellness initiatives and encouraged the BWI group to grow and to continue with all wellness activities to build upon wellness within the CON.

Why is it important for leaders to embrace and model wellness behavior and your role as a BWI?


Leadership support is crucial for the success of supporting and encouraging wellness within any group to encourage growth and success.

How do your leaders model wellness behavior?


Leadership encourages and engages in opportunities to promote wellness. Leadership has also been part of the BWI group and participates in generating ideas for activities and being present for the activities regularly. The CON leadership supports the wellness initiative of the BWI group and cheers us on!

What benefits have you seen or experienced, personally or professionally, as a result of the program?


Teamwork, collaboration and camaraderie have been experienced within the BWI group and throughout the college. We believe the CON has experienced enhanced wellness because of the BWI's efforts.

If you could accomplish anything as a Buckeye Wellness Innovator team, what would your dream be?


Increase attendance and participation at all events.  We hope that everyone within the CON would feel supported in their wellness journey and through the efforts of the BWI group.

What advice would you pass on to other Buckeye Wellness Innovators to help them create a culture of wellness in their department?


Leadership support is crucial for success. Ask questions throughout your group about what your group needs and desires for wellness initiatives, and as a BWI group, try to provide events, services and information that meet those needs and encourage success on their wellness journey.