
Steps to access the online Million Hearts® educational module

  1. Instruct the student to go to http://go.osu.edu/millionhearts
  2. Select Million Hearts Fellow from the course list
  3. If the student is a new user, he/she will need to select create new account, or the student can login with their existing account if he/she is a returning user.
  4. The website has four easy steps. The student will first watch five online lectures. The lecture content includes: an overview of Million Hearts®, how to do an accurate biometric assessment, interpretation of normal and abnormal biometric and lab values, a sample triage protocol, and how to effectively counsel on lifestyle modifications.
  5. Step two requires the student to go out into the community and complete 10 Million Hearts® screenings. There are several downloadable resources on the module to assist in this process. Patient educational handouts, a screening pocket guide, a clinical recording log, a body mass index chart, a framingham risk score chart for males and females, and a Perceived Stress Scale 4 can be downloaded and printed for screenings
  6. Upon completion of the 10 screenings, the student will complete step three and enter the participant data into the Million Heart® website
  7. Once all participant data has been entered, the student will complete step four, a 10 item post-test.
  8. Following completion of the test, the student will be certified as a Million Hearts Fellow and can print off their certificate.

For a visual tutorial on accessing and completing the educational module, please visit http://panopto.con.ohio-state.edu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer/Default.aspx?id=5f8bf4f7-c9ff-43a6-832f-c7fff870f7b3

If you have any questions about the online Million Hearts® educational module, please contact Kate Gawlik. Let’s join together to help save one million lives!

Million Hearts®

Million Hearts® is a national initiative of the Department of Health and Human Services to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes. The Ohio State University is proud to partner with Million Hearts in this historic effort. Join us in the National Interprofessional Education and Practice Consortium to Advance Million Hearts.

The Million Hearts® word and logo marks, and the Be One in a Million Hearts® slogan and logo marks and associated trade dress are owned by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Use of these marks does not imply endorsement by HHS. Use of the Marks also does not necessarily imply that the materials have been reviewed or approved by HHS.