Mental Health First Aid

What is Mental Health First Aid?

While CPR is needed for someone struggling to breathe, Mental Health First Aid helps someone through a mental health challenge or crisis. If you are interested in helping someone who is experiencing or developing a mental health challenge or crisis, this training is for you. Mental Health First Aid is free and teaches identification and support methods for someone who is struggling.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an early intervention public education program developed in 2000. The program’s skills and techniques, taught by a team of trained MHFA facilitators, teach the lay responder how to assess and assist a person who may be in the early stages of developing a mental health challenge or in an active mental health crisis.

What you will learn

  • Group therapy session

    Risk factors and warning signs of mental health challenges

  • Information on depression, anxiety, trauma, psychosis and addiction disorders

  • A five-step action plan to help someone who is developing a mental health challenge or is already in crisis

  • Options for help, whether professional, peer or self-help resources

MHFA Training Logistics

  • Choose from a one-day, 6.5-hour training or a two-day training for three hours each day

  • Provided in-person or virtually (via Zoom)

  • Participant registers, creates an on-line account, completes prework and attends the training

  • Receive MHFA certificate and become a Mental Health First Aider!

If you are interested in attending a training or setting up a group training for your department, please contact