September 2019 Spotlight

How long has your team been working as a collaborative Buckeye Wellness Innovator group?
Less than 6 months


Approximately how many people are in your department, unit, building, or college?
We have approximately 500-600 staff/faculty in our college.


Regarding your department or unit's wellness efforts, which of the nine dimensions of wellness has your team addressed?

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Creative


Describe one successful activity that your team has planned around the nine dimensions of wellness.
Staff and faculty were invited to "Snack Switch Friday" where they could either swap an unhealthy snack for a healthier alternative or just pick up a healthy treat every other Friday. We offered fresh fruit, granola bars, vegetables, healthy pop popcorn, and even fruit popsicles during the summer.


Describe another successful activity that your team planned around the nine dimensions of wellness.

We planned a college-wide step challenge through Virgin Pulse called "Going for the Gold." At the end of the challenge, the Dean awarded participants with certificates and medals (gold, silver, or bronze) depending on the level reached within the challenge. We had 24% participation in the walking challenge!


If your team has kept track of participation rates for your activities, what is your approximate average attendance?
We had around 10 people on our weekly wellness walks, around 115 joined the walking challenge, and a handful participated in the coloring contests and desk decorating contests.


How does your team communicate wellness events and resources to your colleagues?
We have found that sending out college-wide emails are the best choice for communication.


What has your lead administrator/dean/vice president/department chair specifically done to show support for your Buckeye Wellness Innovator team?
Our HR Director has communicated and encouraged supervisors and their teams to participate in these events.


What has your lead administrator/dean/vice president/department chair specifically done to show support for your Buckeye Wellness Innovator team?

Our Dean participated in several events, including a weekly walk, and sent emails to promote the events. He has made it clear that our College members' wellbeing is extremely important.


Please share how your team has overcome barriers to engaging your colleagues and/or students in your wellness efforts.
We tried to cover several dimensions of the nine dimensions of wellness by offering walking challenges, free food (!), creative contests, Lunch & Learns on working out at work and meal prepping, posting motivational quotes around our College, offering Qigong classes, sending meditation videos via email, and many other activities. We noticed that different people want to participate in different types of activities, so that's what we'll continue to offer.


If you could accomplish anything as a Buckeye Wellness Innovator team, what would your dream be?

100% participation!

College of Veterinary Medicine
VM Picture

How long has your team been working as a collaborative Buckeye Wellness Innovator group?
Less than 6 months


Approximately how many people are in your department, unit, building, or college?
We have approximately 500-600 staff/faculty in our college.


Regarding your department or unit's wellness efforts, which of the nine dimensions of wellness has your team addressed?

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Creative


Describe one successful activity that your team has planned around the nine dimensions of wellness.
Staff and faculty were invited to "Snack Switch Friday" where they could either swap an unhealthy snack for a healthier alternative or just pick up a healthy treat every other Friday. We offered fresh fruit, granola bars, vegetables, healthy pop popcorn, and even fruit popsicles during the summer.


Describe another successful activity that your team planned around the nine dimensions of wellness.

We planned a college-wide step challenge through Virgin Pulse called "Going for the Gold." At the end of the challenge, the Dean awarded participants with certificates and medals (gold, silver, or bronze) depending on the level reached within the challenge. We had 24% participation in the walking challenge!


If your team has kept track of participation rates for your activities, what is your approximate average attendance?
We had around 10 people on our weekly wellness walks, around 115 joined the walking challenge, and a handful participated in the coloring contests and desk decorating contests.


How does your team communicate wellness events and resources to your colleagues?
We have found that sending out college-wide emails are the best choice for communication.


What has your lead administrator/dean/vice president/department chair specifically done to show support for your Buckeye Wellness Innovator team?
Our HR Director has communicated and encouraged supervisors and their teams to participate in these events.


What has your lead administrator/dean/vice president/department chair specifically done to show support for your Buckeye Wellness Innovator team?

Our Dean participated in several events, including a weekly walk, and sent emails to promote the events. He has made it clear that our College members' wellbeing is extremely important.


Please share how your team has overcome barriers to engaging your colleagues and/or students in your wellness efforts.
We tried to cover several dimensions of the nine dimensions of wellness by offering walking challenges, free food (!), creative contests, Lunch & Learns on working out at work and meal prepping, posting motivational quotes around our College, offering Qigong classes, sending meditation videos via email, and many other activities. We noticed that different people want to participate in different types of activities, so that's what we'll continue to offer.


If you could accomplish anything as a Buckeye Wellness Innovator team, what would your dream be?

100% participation!